Adopting a Cat from a Shelter: Do’s and Dont’s

  • animal
  • August 15, 2013 4:29 pm

DO: Think about the type of breed or color cat you would most prefer, even creating a list of ranked in order of preference.

DON’T:  Stress over getting the exact cat you were thinking of.  Shelters may have a limited selection.  Know that you are doing a great thing by providing a home for a pet without one.  You may come to love your new cat before you know it!


DO: Consider whether or not your current lifestyle, habits, and schedule will allow you to provide for a cat properly. Consider your pet when planning a vacation, or extended amount of time out of the house.

DON’T: Change your entire life and schedule entirely around your cat.  You don’t need to turn your world upside-down, but be sure your pet is able to receive enough attention, and that the basics are always provided for (fresh food, water, litter, etc.)


DO: Consider the costs of extending your family.  Having a cat can be like having another child to provide for.  It will require food, grooming equipment, regular visits to the [animal] doctor, collars, etc.

DON’T: Buy your cat a Versace or Gucci print collar or clothing.  You don’t need to shell out top dollar for the most expensive items, when others will function just the same for a fraction of the cost.


DO: Think about paying extra time and attention to your new cat.  Your cat may have a history of neglect or even abuse and may require a little extra love and care to recondition itself.

DON’T: Stress over dedicating 100% of your time to your cat, but try to divvy out some of your time when you can.


Bottom Line:  Ensuring that adopting a cat is the right thing at this time, will ultimately lead to the best experience for your new pet and for your family.

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